
<applet code="basictoc3.class" archive="basictoc3.jar" width="115" height="200">
Required applet tag. The applet requires two classes basictoc3.class and basictoc3Rec.class. However, the code attribute refers only to the basictoc3.class. The jar file is a bundle of these two class files. The archive attribute is optional but helps in faster downloading of the class files. Optionally, this tag can include a codebase attribute (like codebase="../java/") where the class files and the jar file are stored in a different directory than that of the html file.
<param name="BGCOLOR" value="E9E9C0">
Specifies a background color for the applet.
<param name="BGCOLOR" value="bgimg.gif">
Specifies a background image for the applet. The image's width and height must be same or more than those of the applet.
<param name="TEXTCOLOR" value="333333">
Specifies a color for the content lines.
<param name="HIGHLIGHTCOLOR" value="a62a2a">
Specifies a color for the mouseover effect.
<param name="DocItemBGColor" value="fffff1">
Specifies a background color for the doc items.
<param name="LINECOLOR" value="a62a2a">
Specifies a color for the separator line. When not specified this param defaults to the applet's background color.
<param name="SPACING1" value="3">
Specifies the spacing between content lines.
<param name="SPACING2" value="2">
Specifies the spacing for the content lines that span two lines.
<param name="FONT1" value="Helvetica;bold;12">
<param name="FONT2" value="Helvetica;plain;11">
Specifies fonts for the top-level content items and the second-level content lines. Fontname must be one of "Helvetica", "TimesRoman", "Courier" or "DialogInput". Fontstyle must be one of "plain", "italic", "bold" or "bold-italic".
<PARAM name="isIMAGESTRIP" value="no">
Specifies whether the applet is text based or image-strips based.
<PARAM name="CURRENTDOC" value="basictoc3NFhome.html">
Used when the applet is used for navigation without frames. This value refers to the name of the doc that is displaying the doc. Please note that this value must correspond to the doc specified for the corresponding content item. If the content item specifies a fully qualified URL then the CURRENTDOC value must also be a fully qualified URL.
<param name="TOCDATA" value="
1;basicTOC3 Info;right_frame;basictoc3info.html|
1;Chapter 1;0;0|
2;Section 1.1;right_frame;sec11.html|
2;Section 1.2 is, Quite Interesting;right_frame;sec12.html|
1;Chapter 2;0;0|
2;Section 2.1;right_frame;sec21.html|
2;Section 2.2;right_frame;sec22.html|
2;Section 2.3;right_frame;sec23.html|
1;Chapter 3 Spans, Two Lines;0;0|
2;Section 3.1;right_frame;sec31.html|
2;Section 3.2;right_frame;sec32.html|
2;Section 3.3 is, Very Long;right_frame;sec33.html|
2;Section 3.4;right_frame;sec34.html|
Specifies data for the applet when the param isIMAGESTRIP="no" (default). Each content item has four fields separated by semi-colon. The first field refers to the top-level item if 1 or second-level if 2. The second field is the text for the content item. The third field is the target frame name. The target frame name can be any one of ("_top", "_self", "_blank") or a user-defined frame name. This field must be 0 if this item is a folder item. Only top-level items can be folders. The fourth field is the document URL (relative or fully-qualified). This field must be 0 for folder items.
<param name="TOCDATA" value="
Specifies data for the applet when the param isIMAGESTRIP="yes". Each content item has five fields separated by semi-colon. The first field refers to the top-level item if 1 or second-level if 2. The second and third fields specify the URLs for the images for the content item. The fourth field is the target frame name. The target frame name can be any one of ("_top", "_self", "_blank") or a user-defined frame name. This field must be 0 if this item is a folder item. Only top-level items can be folders. The fifth field is the document URL (relative or fully-qualified). This field must be 0 for folder items.

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