
Applet Tag Params

<applet code="fmsearch2_try.class" archive="fmsearch2_try.jar" width="700" height="520">
Specify the main class(fmsearch2_try.class)for the applet. Please note that the applet also needs another class (fmsearch2_tryRec.class) which is loaded automatically by the applet. The archive attribute is optional and can be specified for faster loading. The jar file contains the two class files. A codebase attribute can also be optionally specified if the class files and the jar file are placed in a separate directory from that of the html file. 
(Ex: codebase="http://mydomain/java/")

<param name="BGCOLOR" value="ffffff">
Specify a background color for the applet.

<param name="BOXCOLOR" value="ff3333">
Specify a color for the mouseover highlight box that appears on hyperlinked regions. Please note that this color is also used for the user-defined text that is displayed on the image.

<param name="BOXWIDTH" value=70> 
<param name="BOXHEIGHT" value=40>
Specify the width and height for the mouseover highlight box.

<param name="CENTERSTRING" value="Booth 104">
<param name="BASEX" value=0> 
<param name="BASEY" value=0>
Specify this param if the image needs to be centered with respect to a certain text on the image. The value for this is the second field in the data line. For instance, if one of the the data lines is:
fmsearch2.gif;Booth 104;518;171;0;1
then to center the applet with respect to this region, specify this param as:
<param name="CENTERSTRING" value="Booth 104">

Alternatively, the applet can also be positioned using pixel values through the params BASEX, BASEY. However, when  the CENTERSTRINGparam is specified BASEXandBASEYvalues will be ignored.

<param name="APPLETDATA" value="
fmsearch2.gif;booth 300;192;345;booth300info.html;0|
     cantonesemenu.gif;chicken fried rice;109;114;0;0|
     cantonesemenu.gif;almond stir fry noodles;132;145;0;0|
     cantonesemenu.gif;tofu delight;87;175;0;0|
fmsearch2.gif;booth 400 Gigabit Ethernet;44;464;booth400info.html;0|
fmsearch2.gif;booth 500;726;449;0;0
Specify the data for the applet through this param. The data consists of a set of data lines separated by the character '|'. Each data line consists of 6 fields separated by the character ';'.
  1. The first field is the image file name. This can be either gif or jpg.
  2. The second field is the text string that represents a region on the image. This text can represent a piece of text that actually appears on the image or user-defined. 
  3. The third and fourth fields specify the x-y pixel values for a region (represented by the second field) on the image.
  4. The fifth field specifies the URL for the hotlink. If hotlink is not required for a region specify 0.
  5. The sixth field specifies 1 if the user-defined text (field two) needs to be drawn on the image otherwise specify 0.
Please note that optionally, one or more data lines can have a child data lines. For example,

     cantonesemenu.gif;chicken fried rice;109;114;0;0|

specifies the applet to load cantonesemenu.gifwhen the region (172,88) on cafeteria.gif is double-clicked. Please note that the indentations are optional and are shown to illustrate the hierarchy of the images.

<param name="TXTFILE" value="fmsearch2data.txt">

"fmsearch2.gif":"booth 500":726:449:"":0
      "cantonesemenu.gif":"chicken fried rice":109:114:"":0
      "cantonesemenu.gif":"almond stir fry noodles":132:145:"":0
      "cantonesemenu.gif":"tofu delight":87:175:"":0

Specify the data for the applet in a separate text file. The data consists of a set of data lines.  Each data line consists of 6 fields separated by the character ':'.
  1. The first field is the image file name. This can be either gif or jpg. This field must be enclosed in double-quotes.
  2. The second field is the text string that represents a region on the image. This text can represent a piece of text that actually appears on the image or user-defined. This field must be enclosed in double-quotes
  3. The third and fourth fields specify the x-y pixel values for a region (represented by the second field) on the image.
  4. The fifth field specifies the URL for the hotlink. This field must be enclosed in double-quotes. If hotlink is not required for a region specify empty string ("").
  5. The sixth field specifies 1 if the user-defined text (field two) needs to be drawn on the image otherwise specify 0.
Please note that optionally, one or more data lines can have a child data lines. For example,

      "cantonesemenu.gif":"chicken fried rice":109:114:"":0

specifies the applet to load cantonesemenu.gifwhen the region (172,88) on cafeteria.gif is double-clicked. Please note that the indentations are optional and are shown to illustrate the hierarchy of the images.

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Nalla Senthilnathan