PARAM option details for the applet searchableTOC4

01. <applet code="stocgen4_try.class" archive="stocgen4_try.jar" width="220" height="1300">
Specifies the applet's main class file. Please note that an additional class stocgen4_tryRec.class must also be present in the same directory. Use the following formula to compute the applet height:
height=[(number of content lines)* ITEMHEIGHT + 100]
If the class files are placed in a different directory, say, jfiles, from that of the html files then a codebase param must be added like: 
<applet code="stocgen4_try.class" archive="stocgen4_try.jar"  
codebase="jfiles/" width="220" height="1300">
The archive tag is optional and specifies a zip or jar file containing the class files. 
02. <PARAM name="BGCOLOR" value="eeeee1">
Use hexadecimal value to specify a background color for the applet.
03. <PARAM name="BGIMAGE" value="bgimg.gif">
Specify a background image for the applet. Comment this param when no image needs to be specified. Ex: 
<!-- PARAM name="BGIMAGE" value="bgimg.gif" -->
04. <param name="KEEPBUTTONS" value="yes">
Say "no" to remove the search function. The applet can still be reset using the "Home" key on the keyboard.
05. <param name="OPENALLBUTTON" value="+">
This button enables opening all folders in one click. To disable the display of this button set the value to zero-length string (value=""). 
06. <param name="FILLTRIA" value="no">
Set this value to "yes" to display the folder graphics to a filled triangle.
07. <PARAM name="TEXTCOLOR" value="000000">
Use hexadecimal value to specify a text color.
08. <PARAM name="HIGHLIGHTCOLOR" value="0000ff">
Use hexadecimal value to specify a mouseover color for the text. 
09. <PARAM name="SYMBOLCOLOR" value="0000ff">
Use hexadecimal value to specify a color for the folder and doc symbols. 
10. <PARAM name="FONTPOINTSIZE" value="14">
Use an integer value to specify a fontpointsize for the text. 
11. <PARAM name="ITEMHEIGHT" value="24">
Use an integer value to specify a "total height" for each content item. This height equals fontpointsize plus the spacing above and below each content text string.
12. <PARAM name="FONT1NAME" value="Helvetica">
Specifies a fontname for the folder item. This value must be one of "Helvetica", "TimesRoman", "Dialog" , "DialogInput" or "Courier"
13. <PARAM name="FONT1STYLE" value="bold">
Specifies a fontstyle for the folder item. This value must be one of "plain", "italic", "bold" or "bold-italic".
14. <PARAM name="FONT2NAME" value="Helvetica">
Specifies a fontname for the doc item. This name must be one of "Helvetica", "TimesRoman", "Dialog" , "DialogInput" or "Courier"
15. <PARAM name="FONT2STYLE" value="italic">
Specifies a fontstyle for the doc item. This value must be one of "plain", "italic", "bold" or "bold-italic".
16. <param name="AUTHORINFO" value="Copyright (c) 1999
Nalla Senthilnathan,">
17. <param name="TOCDATA" value="
1;Applet Info; right_frame;stocgen4_tryinfo.html|
1;Chapter 1; 0;0|
 2;Introduction; right_frame;c1introdoc.html|
 2;Section 1.1; 0;0|
  3;Section 2.1.1; right_frame;s211doc.html|
1;Chapter 2; 0;0|
 2;Introduction; right_frame;c2introdoc.html|
 2;Section 2.1;0;0
Specifies the data for the TOC. The value consists of a set of content lines separated by the character '|'. Each content line consists of four fields separated by the semi-colon character. 
  1. The first field is a number that specifies the hierarchy level of the content item. This number increases by one for each sub-level. The indentations shown above is optional and is used for illustrating the hierarchy.
  2. The second field is the content string.
  3. The third field specifies the name of the target frame where the document is to be displayed. This field can be specified as "_blank", "_parent", "_self", "_top" or any user defined name like "right_frame". This field must be zero for the folder item.
  4. The fourth field specifies the URL for the corresponding document. This URL can be either relative or absolute. This field must be zero for the folder item.
18. <param name="ResetButtonText" value="Reset">
<param name="FindButtonText" value="Find">
<param name="StatusMessage1" value="Hit HOME key to reset">
<param name="StatusMessage2" value="not found">
These optional params can be added to specify the text on the buttons and the statusbar in a different language.


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