
<APPLET code="swgraph4_try.class" archive="" width="500" height="350">
Please add the archive tag for IE5+ users. The zip file,, contains the class files.

<PARAM name="BGCOLOR" value="ffffff"> 
Use hexadecimal value to specify a background color for the applet. 
Specify the x-axis data range using the paramXTICKS

1. If the x-coordinates have date values then specify: 
<PARAM name="XTICKS" value="Aug 1998 Mar 1999"> 
where the x-axis min value is Aug 1998 and the max value is Mar 1999. The tick values increment by one month by default. Note that the month name must have three characters with the first one capitalized. To increment the tick values by one year use: 
value="Aug 1998 Mar 1999 yearly"> 

2. If the x-coordinates have number values then specify: 
<PARAM name="XTICKS" value="0 50 5"> for integer values 
where the x-axis min value is 0 and the max value is 50 with the tick values incrementing by 5. 
<PARAM name="XTICKS" value="0.0 1.5 0.25"> for float values.
where the x-axis min value is 0.0 and the max value is 1.5 with the tick values incrementing by 0.25. 

3. If the x-axis data is an arbitrary string: 
<PARAM name="XTICKS" value=""> 
This option must be used when the x-axis tick labels are arbitrary strings like: Q1/98, Q2/98, etc. 

Specify the y-axis data range using the param YTICKS

1. Note that date values cannot be specified for the y-axis. 

2. If the y-coordinates have number values then specify: 
<PARAM name="YTICKS" value="0 50 5"> for integer values 
where the y-axis min value is 0 and the max value is 50 with the tick values incrementing by 5. 
<PARAM name="YTICKS" value="0.0 1.5 0.25"> for float values.
where the y-axis min value is 0.0 and the max value is 1.5 with the tick values incrementing by 0.25. 

3. Note that arbitrary strings cannot be specified for the y-axis. 

The number of sub-ticks can be specifyied using: 

<PARAM name="NumberOf_XsubTicks" value=3> 
<PARAM name="NumberOf_YsubTicks" value=1>

By default these values are zero.

<PARAM name="XLABEL" value="This is x-axis label">  
<PARAM name="YLABEL" value="This is y-axis label"> 
Specify labels for the x and y axes. 
<PARAM name="ORIGINX" value=60>  
<PARAM name="ORIGINY" value=270> 
Specify the coordinates for the origin in pixel coordinates. Note that the pixel coordinates (0,0) corresponds to the top left corner of the applet area. 
<PARAM name="XWIDTH" value=350>  
<PARAM name="YWIDTH" value=200> 
Specify the x-axis and y-axis widths for the graph in pixel coordinates. 
<PARAM name="XSCALE" value=0.1> 
When x-coordinates and/or XTICKS values are floating point values set the XSCALEvalue such that when the x-coordinates are divided by it would give integer values. Additionally, dividing the XTICKSvalues by the same XSCALEvalue should also result in integer values.  

A similar argument applies to 
<PARAM name="YSCALE" value=0.01> 

<PARAM name="FONT1" value="TimesRoman; bold; 14">  
<PARAM name="FONT2" value="Helvetica; plain; 12">  
where FONT1 specifies the font properties for the axes labels and FONT2 specifies the font properties for the tick labels and the legend labels. The param value consists of three fields separated by semi-colons. The first field refers to the fontname, the second field fontstyle and the third field fontsize. 

The fontname can be one of Helvetica, TimesRoman, Courier or DialogInput
The fontstyle can be one of  plain, italic, bold or bold-italic. 

<PARAM name="CURVECOLORS" value="ff0000; 0000ff; ff00ff; 2f4f2f"> 
Specify the curve colors in hexadecimal values. Specify upto 9 colors separated by semi-colons. When this param is commented out the applet assigns default colors for the curves. 
<PARAM name="isLINEGRAPH" value="yes"> 
By default the applet generates line graphs. Specify "no" to generate bar charts. 
<PARAM name="SWGRAPHDATA" value=" 
            Laptops; Handhelds; Desktops| 
Aug 1 1998;      8;    12;             10| 
Sep 15 1998;     8;    24;             25| 
Oct 21 1998;    15;    15;              5| 
Feb 1  1999;    25;    18;             30 

Specify the graph data within the applet tag. The value is organized like a spread sheet where the first line specifies the legend for each curve and the remaining lines are the x-y values. The first column of the x-y data corresponds to the x values and the remaining columns correspond to the y values for the curves. Specify upto 9 curves per graph. 

If the applet reads data from a text file then specify: 

<PARAM name="SWGRAPHDATA" value=""> 

<PARAM name="TXTFILE" value="mygraph.txt"> 
Specify a text file to read all the curve data. Here is a sample text data: 

             "Laptops" "Handhelds" "Desktops" 
"Aug 1 1998"      8     12             10 
"Sep 15 1998"     8     24             25 
"Oct 21 1998"    15     15              5 
"Feb 1  1999"    25     18             30 

If the applet reads data from the applet paramSWGRAPHDATAthen specify: 

<PARAM name="TXTFILE" value=""> 

<PARAM name="CURVETHICKNESS" value="1">
Specify a curve thickness. Recommended values are 0 or 1.

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