GanttchartGenerator6 Applet Params 

<applet code="gcgen6_try.class" archive="gcgen6_try.jar" width="1200" height="400">
If applicable add a codebase option. To estimate the minimum height for the applet use the following formula: 
Let m be the maximum number of tails for a given head. Let n be the number of heads to be displayed for these tails. Then height=(m+n)*ITEMHEIGHT. (ITEMHEIGHT is another param explained below).
The archive tag is optional and specifies a jar file containing the two class files.
<param name="BGCOLOR" value="ffffff">
This option specifies a background color for the applet.
<PARAM name="BASEX" value=100>
<PARAM name="BASEY" value=50>
BASEX specifies the horizontal start location for the bars. BASEY specifies the vertical start location for the content items.
This option specifies the width of the date segments ( | Oct 1999   | )drawn above the bars. Specify shorter DATESEGMENTWIDTH to display more number of months.
<param name="TEXTCOLOR" value="000000">
This option specifies a color for the content item. The value must be an hexadecimal one. Values like "white", "red" etc. should not be used. 
<param name="HIGHLIGHTCOLOR" value="0000ff">
This option specifies a mouseover highlight color for the content item. The value must be an hexadecimal one. Values like "white", "red" etc. should not be used. 
<param name="FONTPOINTSIZE" value="12">
Specifies a font size for the content item. Both folder and doc items are drawn with the same font size. Suggested values are 12 and 14.  Must be an integer.
<param name="DATEFONTPOINTSIZE" value="10">
Specifies a font size for the date string. Suggested values are 12 and 14.  Must be an integer.
<param name="ITEMHEIGHT" value="36">
This param controls the spacing between the content items.  Must be atleast twice that of fontpointsize. Must be an integer.
<param name="Reset" value="Reset">
<param name="Find" value="Find">
<param name="FullView" value="FullView">
This param helps to specify button labels in other languages.
<param name="FOLDERFONTNAME" value="Helvetica"> 
<param name="DOCFONTNAME" value="Helvetica">
<param name="DATEFONTNAME" value="Helvetica">
Specifies a font names for the folder, doc and date items, respectively. Font name must be one of "Helvetica", "TimesRoman", "Courier", "Dialog" or "DialogInput".
<param name="FOLDERFONTSTYLE" value="bold"> 
<param name="DOCFONTSTYLE" value="plain">
<param name="DATEFONTSTYLE" value="plain">
Specifies a font styles for the folder, doc and date items, respectively. Font style must be one of "plain", "italic", "bold" or "bold-italic".
<param name="SPACING" value=3>
Controls the vertical spacing when a content item is displayed in two lines. Must be an integer.
<param name="MONTHS" value="Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec" >
This param can be used to display the months in other languages. Please note that the mouseover date string is still displayed in English.
<PARAM name="TARGETFRAMENAME" value="_top">
The targetframe name can be any user-defined name or one of "_top", "_blank", "_self" or "_parent".


<param name="Copyright" value="Copyright (c) 1998-2000 
Nalla Senthilnathan,">
Do not delete or edit this param. 
<param name="CHARTDATA" value=" 
1;Project 2,proj manager2;Apr 21 1999  to Jun 20 2000;p2doc.html|
 2;Project 2.1,proj manager2.1;Apr 21 1999  to Jun 20 2000;p21doc.html|
  3;proj21a ,resource 21a;Apr 21 1999  to Oct 2 1999;p21adoc.html|
  3;proj21b ,resource 21b;Oct 3 1999  to Jun 20 2000;p21bdoc.html|
 2;Project 2.2,proj manager2.2;May 1 1999  to Jun 20 2000;p22doc.html|
  3;proj22a,resource 22a;May 1 1999  to Feb 14 2000;p22adoc.html|
  3;proj22b,resource 22b;Feb 15 2000  to Jun 20 2000;p22bdoc.html|
1;Project 3;Aug 19 1999  to Feb 6 2000;p3doc.html|
 2;Project 3.1;Aug 19 1999  to Feb 6 2000;p31doc.html|
  3;proj31a, resource 31a;Aug 19 1999  to Oct 6 1999;p31adoc.html|
  3;proj31b, resource 31b;Oct 7 1999  to Nov 26 1999;p31bdoc.html|
  3;proj31c, resource 31c;Nov 27 1999  to Feb 6 2000;p31cdoc.html|
1;Project 4;Aug 19 1999  to Feb 6 2000;p3doc.html
This param specifies the data for the applet. Each content item is specified by four fields separated by a semicolon. 
  • The first field is a number and it refers to the hierarchy level of the tree. The tail gets a number that is one greater than its head. 
  • The second field is the content item string. Use a comma to display the content item in two lines.
  • The third field refers to the start and finish dates for the project. Month names must be in English with three characters and the first one capitalized. Please make sure that each word of this field is separated from the other by a blank space especially when the field gets distributed in two lines. Please also note that the the applet can display dates in the range 1997 thru 2096.
  • The fourth field refers to the URL for the document. This can be either relative or fully qualified. For example, this value can be specified as test.html, ../test.html, or http://<domain>/test.html. 
Each content item is separated from the other with '|' character. The indentations shown above is just to illustrate the tree hierarchy.
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