
<APPLET code="ocgen9_try.class"  archive="ocg9classes.jar"
width="800" height="500">
The archive attribute is required for IE5+ users. It contains the applet class files, ocgen9_try.class and ocgen9_tryElement.class
<PARAM name="BGCOLOR" value="ffffff">
Use hexadecimal value to specify a background color for the applet.
<PARAM name="TEXTCOLOR" value="000000">
Use hexadecimal value to specify a color for the chart lines and the text.
<PARAM name="BASEX" value="0">
<PARAM name="BASEY" value="0">
Specify the position of the top box. When these values are zero the applet justifies the chart to the left and top edges of the applet area. These values are ignored when DEFAULTSEARCHSTRING param is specified.
<PARAM name="BOXWIDTH" value="130">
<PARAM name="BOXHEIGHT" value="60">
Specify the width and height for the boxes.
<PARAM name="BOXHSPACE" value="30">
<PARAM name="BOXVSPACE" value="50">
Use to control the horizontal and vertical spacing between the boxes.
<PARAM name="FONT_LINE1" value="Helvetica;bold;12">
<PARAM name="FONT_LINE2" value="Helvetica;plain;12">
<PARAM name="FONT_LINE3" value="Helvetica;bold-italic;12">
<PARAM name="FONT_LINE4" value="Helvetica;plain;8">
Specify font properties for the four text lines in the box. Font name must be one of "Helvetica", "TimesRoman", "Courier", "Dialog" or "DialogInput". Font style must be one of  "plain", "italic", "bold" or "bold-italic".
<PARAM name="STRINGSPACE" value=20>
Use this to control the spacing between the text lines inside the box.
<PARAM name="LEFTJUSTIFY" value="no">
Use this to control the justification of the text lines drawn inside the box. When this value is set to "yes" the box contents are drawn left-justified. By default the text lines are centered.
<PARAM name="HIGHLIGHTCOLOR" value="ff0000">
Use hexadecimal value to specify a mouseover highlight color for the applet.
<PARAM name="FILLCOLORBOX" value="yes">
Specify whether fillcolor for the boxes is required. 
<PARAM name="TARGETFRAME" value="_self">
Specify a target frame where the hyperlinked document should be displayed. This value can be one of "_self", "_top", "_blank" or any user-defined frame name.
<PARAM name="SEARCHOPTION" value="yes">
Enable or disable the search option.
<PARAM name="DRAGOPTION" value="yes">
Enable or disable the mousedrag option. When enabled, the chart can be dragged arbitrarily with the mouse. Please note that the SEARCHOPTION must be enabled to use this option.
Use this to center the chart with respect to a box. To center the chart with respect to a box containing the string, say, "Doug" set this value to "doug". The values specified for BASEX and BASEY params will be ignored when this value is specified. 
<PARAM name="VERTICAL_LEAF_BRANCH" value="yes">
Use this to get the final leaf branch vertical. When this value is "no" the leaf branch will be drawn horizontal. The default value is "no". 
<PARAM name="SQL_OUTPUT_DATA" value="yes">
Use this optional param to specify that the CHARTDATA param value is in SQL friendly format. Two forms of CHARTDATA format are explained below. 
<PARAM name="RESET_STRING" value="Reset">
<PARAM name="SEARCH_STRING" value="Search For:">
<PARAM name="MSG_STRING1" value="Double-click for:">
<PARAM name="MSG_STRING2" value="Single-click for: ">
<PARAM name="MSG_STRING3" value="Searching ...">
<PARAM name="MSG_STRING4" value="Done Searching.">
<PARAM name="MSG_STRING5" value=" Not Found">
<PARAM name="MSG_STRING6" value="No URL defined!">
Use these optional params to specify button labels and status bar messages in languages other than English.
<PARAM name="CHARTDATA" value=" 
1;Name 1;Position 1;555-0000;0;ffcc66;0|
 2;Name 1.1;Position 1.1;0;0;dbdb70;emp11.html|
 2;Name 1.2;Position 1.1;0;0;dbdb70;emp11.html
This form of CHARTDATA is applicable when the param SQL_OUTPUT_DATA is set to "no".
This param specifies the data for the chart. Each box data is a record. One record is separated from the other by the character '|'. Each record consists of 7 fields. 
  1. The first field is an integer that denotes the hierarchy of the box. The top box is 1. Each consecutive child gets a number one greater than its parent. 
  2. The second, third, fourth and fifth fields are the text lines displayed in the box. If only two strings are needed set the fourth and fifth fields to 0.
  3. The sixth field specifies the fillcolor for the box in hexadecimal code. Please note that the fillcolor option for the whole chart can be turned off using the FILLCOLORBOX param.
  4. The seventh field specifies the the URL for the hyperlinked document. This URL can be either relative or fully qualified. If the box has no hyperlinked document, set this field to 0.
<PARAM name="CHARTDATA" value=" 
e1;0;Name 1;Position 1;555-0000;0;ffcc66;0|
e2;e1;Name 1.1;Position 1.1;0;0;dbdb70;emp11.html|
e3;e1;Name 1.2;Position 1.1;0;0;dbdb70;emp11.html|
e4;e2;Name 1.2;Position 1.1;0;0;dbdb70;emp11.html|
This form of CHARTDATA is applicable when the param SQL_OUTPUT_DATA is set to "yes".
This format is easy to generate from a SQL statement like:
SELECT empid,mgrid,lastname,firstname,title FROM employeetable
The order of the records is immaterial in this format. Each record consists of 8 fields:
  1. The first field is a string that denotes the employee ID. 
  2. The second field is a string that denotes the manager's employee ID. Note that the CHARTDATA must have one record with manager's employee ID = 0. 
  3. The third, fourth, fifth and sixth fields are the 4 text lines displayed in the box. If only two strings are needed set the fourth and fifth fields to 0.
  4. The seventh field specifies the fillcolor for the box in hexadecimal code. Please note that the fillcolor option for the whole chart can be turned off using the FILLCOLORBOX param.
  5. The eighth field specifies the the URL for the hyperlinked document. This URL can be either relative or fully qualified. If the box has no hyperlinked document, set this field to 0.


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